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Nov 17, 2020

This week we watched episode 14 of Legend of the Blue Sea with special guest Amanda from Certified Noonas. We all take guesses on what "the moon news" was (it was water), and IS IT NAM DOO THOUGH??? 

Robby's BLT this week is: Ushiro no Seki no Katou-kun by Umeda Miso

Michael's Fan Fix this week is:

Nov 11, 2020

This week we watched episode 13 of Legend of the Blue Sea with special guest Jessi from Certified Noonas! Robby serves us some fresh chicken sand, Michael tells us about that semi-charmed kinda fight, and Jessi teaches us about AmongUs.

Robby's BLT this week is: Robby's BLT this week is: Kabukichou Bad Trip by Eiji...